👑 Build success one habit at a time

Plus: My takeaways from Necker Island

What’s up, Hustlers! 

Some days are harder than others to identify your purpose and locate your swagger.

If you’re having one of those days – try to pinpoint what’s challenging you right now. Make your weakness your strength by taking bite-sized pieces of hustle.

The small victories amount to big wins - you will get to your finish line.

Xx Robin

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My Daily Routine â˜€ď¸ With summer wrapping up and the start of the school year kicking into gear, getting back into a routine feels more important than ever. Our habits are the building blocks of success, and greatness comes from the small choices we make every day. Here are a few simple tips that help me power through my day with purpose. ⬇️

  1. PRIORITIZE SLEEP. Sleep is key for showing up as your best self, whether you’re crushing it at work, school, or with your family. Aim for 8-9 hours a night – I know it’s not always easy, but prioritizing rest will set you up for success tomorrow.

  2. MINDFULNESS. Start your day by clearing your mind. Whether it’s a quick meditation or journaling, these few minutes of mindfulness will set a positive tone for your entire day. I like doing short yoga flows each morning to recenter, and it’s a total reset.

  3. PLAN AHEAD. Before bed, write out a mini schedule for the next day. Planning helps bring structure and routine, making the most of every minute.

I know we’re all just doing our best right now and trust me, that is ENOUGH, but what are some ways you set yourself up for success? Hit reply and let me know!


Takeaways from Necker Island đŸď¸ I just wrapped one of the most epic weeks of my life, co-hosting this year’s Strive adventure on Necker Island with the one and only Richard Branson. From incredible bike rides across Virgin Gorda to breathtaking hikes all over Necker Island, we pushed beyond limits, faced fears, and shared moments that will stay with me forever. Here are my key takeaways from this amazing week ⬇️ 

#1: Surround yourself with people who elevate you.

As a group, we spent 5-6 hours a day running, swimming, and biking. There’s something powerful about being surrounded by like-minded people who are ready to move mountains and believe more is always possible. The energy of this crew was infectious—find your people, and climb mountains together.

#2: Movement, curiosity, and fun are superpowers.

Superheroes are real, and we all have the power to build our own superhero toolkit. Sitting down with Richard Branson—a real-life superhero—was unforgettable. His toolkit? Movement, fun, and relentless curiosity. It was incredible to see these tools come to life. Our week of adventures, games, and bonding on Necker emphasized how movement connects us, curiosity pushes us, and fun fuels us.

#3: Disrupt the status quo—always.

Watching Richard crush the bike rides, swims, and runs was inspiring. It’s living proof that we can get better, faster, and stronger at any age. When you disrupt the usual path, you unlock levels you never thought possible. We become the stories we tell ourselves, so let’s write some epic ones.


Pique Matcha Packets 💚 These powerhouse matcha packets were my travel MVPs. I threw them in my carry-on for the flight to Necker, and since they mix easily with hot or cold water – no blender needed – they’re the ultimate travel hack. The energizing blend of caffeine and calming L-theanine kept me focused and fueled for all our adventures. Pro tip: Add a scoop of vanilla protein powder for an extra protein boost!

Use this link for 15% off plus a complimentary starter kit #ad

Question: How do you balance self-care with the demands of being a caregiver and having a career?

- Regina

Answer: For me, self-care is non-negotiable. You’ve got to carve out time to do something for yourself, no matter how packed your day is. Block it off on your calendar like any other meeting—it’s that important. Whether it’s going for a run, doing a quick ride, or even taking 10 minutes for a face mask, do something that refuels you. When you take care of yourself, you show up stronger for everyone else in your life. No guilt. No apologies.

— Robin

Got a question for me? Share it here!

Do you have an inspiring story of pivoting in your life or career? She Pivots is an award-winning podcast that shines a light on women who have made bold changes in their lives and dives into the personal reasons behind them. They are looking for real stories from real women for their upcoming season - and that's where you all come in. Nominate yourself or someone you know to be featured on She Pivots. Fill out THIS FORM and your experiences could inspire and empower others on their own pivoting journey.

Thanks for reading, Hustlers. Go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about what’s next.

Xx Robin ArzĂłn

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.